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Yamile Pardo Menéndez

She completed her studies at the University of Arts ISA and the National Academy of Fine Arts of San Alejandro in Hava¬na, Cuba, where she currently holds a position in the Sculpture Department. With over twenty years of experience in teaching, Yamile has been extensively involved in educational initiatives, including noteworthy projects such as Sumatoria at the Center for the Development of the Visual Arts, Havana, Cuba; Zip at the Ludwig Foundation of Cuba, Havana, Cuba; and Approach, an exchange program between the University of Los Angeles CalArt and the San Alejandro National Academy of Fine Arts. She is also a member of UNEAC (National Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba).
Yamilé’s artwork is showcased in private collections and galle¬ries across Cuba, Brazil, Switzerland, the Bahamas, Mexico, the USA, France, and Germany. Additionally, her work is part of permanent collections, notably in Gallery Havana in Switzer¬land and the USA.