Chappell Whyms Jr.

Chappell Whyms Jr. (b. 1996) is an analog and digital photographer, living and working in Nassau, Bahamas. His professional experience is in both journalistic, commercial and artistic photography. He started photography in 2018 as a part of his aspirations to become a filmmaker and continued ever since, venturing into his analog photography career in 2019.

From there, Whyms continued learning different film formats, perfecting the developing process for both B&W and Color Film. As of Jan 2024, Whyms became a resident at Project ICE to sharpen his analog photography practice, establishing developing and darkroom enlarging studios at ICE and Poinciana Paper Press respectively.

In 2024 alone, he has participated in exhibitions at Cayman Art Week, ICE Gallery, the DAF and The Current, and has an upcoming exhibition at the Gallery and Wine Bar.